“Back L-R - Richard Temple, Ian Moncrieffe, David Lindsay, Ian Napier, Kenny McNeill, Gordon Shon, Ewen Maclaren, Douglas Stewart, Bruce Strickland
Middle L-R Graham Knowles, Gordon Wilson, Stewart Robertson, Angus Smith, Scott Moncrieffe, Malcolm Leask, Neil Murchie, Timothy Swithenbank
Front L-R (full row) Alistair Niven, Craig Morris, Craig Stevenson, Micheal Slater, Mr Meakin, Ian Mitchell, David Young, Jim McLaren, Duncan Murchie
Sitting L-R Mark Wilson, Mark Robertson, Roger Marris”
David Lindsay
“God we are Old Now. Only seems like yesterday. Best days ever. Mr Mekin reading the paper for the fir 20 min of Latin”
Gordon Shon
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